Categories: GK QuestionsQuiz

Children’s Day Quiz 2022

Whose birthday is celebrated as Children’s Day in India?

Jawaharlal Nehru

When is the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru?

November 14, 1889 (Allahabad)

Where was Jawaharlal Nehru born?

Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh)

What is the new name of Allahabad?

Prayag Raj

What was the nickname given to Jawaharlal Nehru by his children?



When is World Children’s Day?

November 20

What is the name of Nehru’s father?

Motilal Nehru

What is the name of Nehru’s mother?

Swaroop Rani

In which year did Nehru get married?

In 1916

What is the name of Nehru’s wife?

Kamala Kaul


Who was the first Prime Minister to address the Kerala Legislative Assembly?

Jawaharlal Nehru

Who is known as the ‘Architect of Modern India’?

Jawaharlal Nehru

When was Nehru first Prime Minister?

August 15, 1947

Who described Nehru as “the man who triumphed over fear and hatred”?

Winston Churchill

Which was the first Congress meeting attended by Jawaharlal Nehru?

1912 Bandipur Conference


At what age did Nehru go to England for education?

At the age of sixteen

Who named the Asiatic Games the Asian Games?

Jawaharlal Nehru

What is the meaning of the Arabic word ‘Jawahar’?

Precious gem

Which state was described by Nehru as the ‘Gem of India’?


What is the old name of the Nehru Trophy boat race?

Prime Minister’s Trophy


Which was the first Congress meeting presided over by Nehru?

Lahore Conference (1929)

In which year did Jawaharlal Nehru receive the Bharat Ratna?


Where did Jawaharlal Nehru graduate as a barrister?


Whose work is ‘Discovery of India’?

Jawaharlal Nehru

To whom was the famous autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru dedicated?

Kamala Nehru


Who drafted the Constitution of India?

Jawaharlal Nehru

Which is a collection of letters written by Nehru to his daughter Indira during her imprisonment?

Letters sent by a father to his daughter

Which newspaper was started by Jawaharlal Nehru and his father Motilal Nehru in 1919?


The name of the elephant that was sent to Japan at the request of children by Jawaharlal Nehru


In which lake is the Nehru trophy boat race held?



When and where did Nehru first meet Gandhiji?

At the 1916 Congress meeting in Lucknow

The year Jawaharlal Nehru first went to jail?


Who presided over the 1929 Lahore Congress?

Jawaharlal Nehru

From which year was November 14, the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru, celebrated as Children’s Day?


When was Jawaharlal Nehru elected as the president of the Congress?

September 4, 1935


Where is the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium located?


In which year did Motilal Nehru, the father of Jawaharlal Nehru, die?


Who first introduced the concept of International Children’s Day?

VK Krishna Menon

In which year did Nehru’s wife Kamala die?

February 28, 1936

Where did Kamala Nehru die?

In Switzerland


In which year did Swaroop Rani, the mother of Nehru, die?


In which year did the Congress pass the Quit India resolution?

August 8, 1942

Who played the role of Nehru in the film ‘Gandhi’?

Roshan Seth

In which year was the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi established?


Who is the translator of Jawaharlal Nehru’s Letters to a Daughter translated into Hindi?

Munshi Premchand


How many years did Nehru become the Prime Minister of India?

17 years

Where is Jawaharlal Nehru Port located?


Whose idea was adopted by Nehru for the construction of modern India?

Of Gandhiji

What did Jawaharlal Nehru describe as the defining moment of his life?

Meeting Gandhiji

Where is the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library located?

New Delhi


Who declared Jawaharlal Nehru as his political successor?


What is the name of Motilal Nehru’s house in Allahabad?


Which teacher gave primary education to Jawaharlal Nehru?

Ferdinand Brooke

Which school in England was attended by Jawaharlal Nehru after his primary education?


Which part of the Constitution was drafted by Nehru?



In which year was the Planning Commission of India formed?

March 1950

When was the first Five Year Plan launched?

In 1951

In which year did Nehru receive the Bharat Ratna?

July 15, 1955

Whose death did Nehru say “that lamp went out”?

About the death of Gandhiji

Nehru’s total imprisonment?

3276 days


How many times has Jawaharlal Nehru gone to jail?

9 times

Which secretary of Jawaharlal Nehru was from kerala?

M. O. Matthew

What was the name of a woman who drove Nehru’s car during his visit to Tamil Nadu?


Who was the first woman to receive the Jawaharlal Nehru Award from the Government of India?

Mother Teresa

What did Nehru call the temples of modern India?



Jawaharlal Nehru communicated with a statue he had placed on his desk while making important decisions. Whose statue is this?

Abraham Lincoln

Which musician was most revered and respected by Nehru?

MS Subbalakshmi

The year Nehru founded the ‘National Children’s House’


Which newspaper was started by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1938?

National Herald

Who was Nehru’s favorite cartoonist?



When did Jawaharlal Nehru die?

May 27, 1964

Where is the tomb of Jawaharlal Nehru?

Shanthi vanam

Team Examstudy

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