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How To Manage Your Study Time? Time Management for Students

Today I am going to tell you something about time management and how it related with our studies. Many people face the trouble in time management. In many of the cases lack of time are there.

Why Time Management?

Often people tend to have trouble managing time because they try to manage too many tasks at a time and also there are many people who just waste their time doing nothing just because of their pure laziness. Of lately time is becoming one of the most valuable resources which is wasted by many people because they don’t know how to manage time. To prove this, walking through a do on a week night several students can be found sitting around and playing video games when they have a paper or an assignment due the very next day, and also can find employees sitting around the office playing solitaire while the hours are meant to used to get productive work done.

Time is a limiting factor in any endeavor we undertake. However, by understanding the challenges of time management and employing effective strategies, you may discover that there really are enough hours in the day to finish editing that term paper and get a good night’s sleep. The following are strategies that will help you better manage your time.

1. Defining the objective

When faced with any task, large or small, it otten pays to brainstorm the component steps required to achieve the ultimate objective. Consider the example of writing and editing a term paper or essay. In this case there are at least five general steps required to complete the task. If not already assigned, the first step should be selecting a topic for your term paper. The next stage is the formulation of a thesis statement, which is the argument around which your term paper will be written. The final three steps in the essay-writing process will take up the majority of your time. These steps are researching, writing, and editing proofreading your essay.

Whatever the objective happens to be, brainstorm and write your thoughts down. Determining the objective and the tasks necessary to achieve that objective are the fist key steps in managing your time.

2. Organizing your time

Now that you have defined your objective and have an outline of the steps required to achieve your
objective, you can estimate the time it will take to complete each step. If there is one area of your life in which it is in your interest to be cynical, this would be it. Underestimating the amount of work you can accomplish in a given period of time isn’t a bad thing. Apply the following cynic’s maxim: Plan on completing half the intended work twice the time. And if this sounds rather gloomy, remember even if your estimates tum out to be overly pessimistic, chances are that this will be one of the few instances in life where being wrong pays oft!

3. Economize your time

At first glance, this strategy may seem to run counter to the cynic’s advice. Didn’t we just advise you to twice the time you might otherwise have committed to complete a task? However, when we advise you to economize your time, we were talking about employing all the tools at your disposal to successfully apply the first two strategies mentioned above. Consider the first strategy, that of”defining the objective.

As a student, you will probably be juggling more than one major project at any time. How might this be accomplished with a minimum degree of confusion? As an example, you may want to create a separate folder on your Computer desktop for each class taken during a given semester. Within that class folder, you could create separate project folders for laboratory reports, essays, exam preparation, and class notes. Accessibility to previously cataloged information depends on the organization. Furthermore, searching for stray files is an unnecessary waste of time.

I would ike to propose five suggestions for Effective Time Management

1. Be Organized

Use time-saving tools: appointment calendars, “to do” lists, e-maíl, answering machines, file folders, etc should have an organized workplace make sure don’t waste time constantly looking for your work. You can use your appointment calendar for everything and also including listing study time. Use”to do” lists for both long-term and for each day or week.


2. Plan Ahead or Schedule it and it will happen!

Determine how long your tasks will take, do this before agreeing to take on a task. Consider whether any activities can be combined with your plans. You can determine if big tasks can be broken down into smaller tasks that may be easier to schedule such as studying for exams and visiting the library as part of an assignment to write a term paper.

3. Prioritize Your Tasks

You can use an A-B-C rating system for items on your to do lists ‘A’ items being highest priority. Always set goals for both the short term and long term as to what you want to accomplish. Look at all of your to do’s to gauge the time requirement and whether additional resources will be needed to accomplish them (if yes, schedule time to obtain those resources). Don’t postpone the small tasks (a sense of accomplishment is good and overlooked small tasks can become larger tasks.)

4. Avoid Overload

Try to include time for rest, relaxation, sleep, eating, exercise, and socializing in your schedule. Hectic work may ruin your day. Take short breaks during the study and work periods. Don’t put everything off until the last minute, for example, don’t cram for exams. Leam to say “no” when appropriate and to negotiate better deadlines when appropriate.

5. Practice Effective Study Techniques

You should always have an appropriate study environment. you can split large tasks into more manageable tasks .by fragmenting the task you can make it simpler and time-saving. Always read for comprehension, rather than just to get to the end of the chapter. Be prepared to ask questions as they come up during the study, rather than waiting until just before an exam. Do the most difficult work first, perhaps breaking it up with some easier tasks. Don’t wait until the last minute to complete your projects.

My most important piece of advice is to never hesitate to seek the help of others! As a college or university student, you may find that many objectives, such as exam preparation, are well suited to cooperative effort For example, you could try organizing a study group. You may find that some aspects of exam preparation.

Team Examstudy

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