Famous personalities

Full Biography Of Thomas Alva Edison.

        He was Born on 11 February 1847 in the canal town of Milan. His Mother was Nancy Mattews Elliot…

4 years ago

Neeraj Chopra Brings first gold for India in Tokyo olypics.

He is an Indian Javelin thrower who secured first Individual Gold medal in athletics in Indian History. It is the…

4 years ago

Biography of Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharla Nehru was born on. November 1889, 27 may in Allahabad. He was the first Prime minister of India. He…

4 years ago

Biography Of Mahathma Gandhi

Karamchand Gandhi was born as the youngest child of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Putlibai on October 2 1869 at porbandhar…

4 years ago