The motto of delivering a speech is to convey a message. Speech is for the audiences that means it is a public speaking While speaking to the public it is important to keep the speech interesting. If the speaker fails to put forward the message properly then the speech becomes very monotonous and ambiguous too.
The audience will feel impatient and the actual intention of the speaker to make the audience understand the subject matter will not be fulfilled. Audiences are like God and so during public speaking, their whole attention should be drawn by the speaker.
Thus, the speaker must always remember the targeted audience and make the speech interesting.
The speech becomes interesting in 3 ways:
1. Method of Writing and presentation
2. Language
3. Speaking Style and Presentation
Method of Writing
It can be interesting only when the speaker delivers a speech that is written without irrelevant diversion. For this, the method of writing a speech must follow 4 steps about the subject matter but the presentation of the 4 steps depends upon each individual writer. The presentation of the addressed subject means how the writer wants to present the subject matter to make it interesting and draw the attention of the speakers, As for example: adding some relevant story or poem, quoting lines wherever desired, giving a humorous touch to a serious note and in many other ways 4 steps regarding the subject matter in a speech:
• A sound beginning (make it clear on what the speech is about)
• A reference related to the subject matter (put forward the details or evaluation of the subject with the relevant facts from the past, present, and what is expected in the future)
• Message to the audience (convey the personal thought loud and clear)
• A befitting conclusion (before ending with a thanking note motivate the audiences for a favorable response)
Now, it’s about the language of the speech. At the time of public speaking, language should be understandable. Once again, the targeted audience must be kept in mind. The language should vary with the level of the grasping standard of the audience. For example, the language of the speech for the primary students must not be similar to the language used for the elite gathering. Thus, public speaking is an art, and to become a successful speaker in this art the language of the speech plays an important role.
Speaking Style
Next is the role of the speaker. To speak fluently one needs to understand the meaning of the written speech. With this one can speak confidently. The speaker must have:
• Loud and clear voice
• Accurate pronunciation
• Proper pauses
• Voice modulation, the right tone, and pitch
A good speech does not only depend upon the writing of the speech but it also depends upon the speaking skill. If both are rightly done then the aftereffect of the speech becomes wonderful. Hence, writing a speech is a creative writing skill and delivering a speech is an oration skill. In public speaking both skills are important but a solid and impressive subject matter makes the audience think about the issue.
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